Living half of the year in Falls Village and half in Tulum, Mexico, Aline Libassi has just concluded her term as President of the Tulum Rotary Club and was the Salisbury Rotary Club’s 10/24 speaker. ThevTulum Rotary currently has twenty members as the area is growing from its history as a tiny fishing village, though still a high poverty area with poor education, poor health care, no government support and with high needs in all areas related to living standards. The challenges are great for the club to raise money to benefit the communities though growth due to the influx of a wealthy ex-patriot population and partnering with other Rotary clubs are helping. The SRC is among the Rotary clubs with a personal connection to the Tulum club. Salisbury has helped with funding water fountains and computers for the schools. Grants have funded additional computers, scholarships, environmental projects and a diabetes clinic. Aline used a power point presentation to share her club’s locale and some of the projects witj which they are involved. FMI: https://www.tulumrotary. org/